Peter J. Brand
As of September 2007
[Partial] Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Peter J. Brand
Associate Professor, History Department
University of Memphis

Citizenship (dual): Canada (native) and United States (naturalized).
University of Texas at Arlington BA History 1990, minor in art history.
University of Memphis MA Ancient History 1992, minor in art history.
University of Toronto Ph. D. Ancient Egyptian Language and Literature 1998, minor in Egyptian art and archaeology.
Dissertation: "The Monuments of Seti I and their Historical Significance: Epigraphic, Art Historical and Historical Analysis," (University of Toronto, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, 1998).
Professional work experience:
Research & Curatorial Assistant, Institute for Egyptian Art and Archaeology, University of Memphis 1991-1992.
Research Assistant, Akhenaten Temple Project, University of Toronto, 1992-1993.
Research Assistant, Near Eastern Studies, University of Toronto, 1993-94.
Senior Epigrapher, University of Memphis Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project 1994, ‘95, ‘97, ‘99 & 2000 seasons.
Staff Artist, University of Memphis Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project, 1994 - 2000.
Instructor for "Introduction to Middle Egyptian Grammar" NMC 320Y University of Toronto, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, 1996 - 1997.
Instructor for "Introduction to the Ancient Near East: Egypt" NMC 170Y University of Toronto, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, 1997.
Instructor for "Introduction to Egyptian Hieroglyphs"Adult education course for the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquity, (SSEA), Toronto, Canada 1997.
Instructor for "Intermediate Egyptian" NMC 420Y University of Toronto, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, 1998.
Instructor for "History of Ancient Egypt" NMC 371Y University of Toronto, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, 1998-1999.
Consultant for Madison Press Books Project: Secrets of the Mummies (Madison Press Books, Toronto, Fall 1999), 48 pgs, 1998-1999.
Consultant for Madison Press Books Project: Conversations with Mummies: New Light on the Lives of Ancient Egyptians, (Madison Press Books, Toronto, Fall 2000), 192 pgs, 1998-2000.
Field Director, the Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 2001-present.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 2001-2002 academic year.
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 2001-2002 academic year
Tenure track Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 2002-2007.
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 2007-Present.
Classes taught at the University of Memphis 2001-Present:
World Civilization I: Prehistory to 1500 A.D. (recurrently)
Egypt of the Pharaohs: Predynastic Period to Second Intermediate Period (Fall 2001)
Imperial Egypt: The New Kingdom (Spring 2002 and Fall 2006)
Survey of the Ancient World (fall 2002)
Ramesside Military and Diplomatic History (spring 2002 & Fall 2007)
The Middle Kingdom in Egypt (fall 2002)
Middle Egyptian Texts (fall 2002)
Survey of the Ancient Near East (Spring 2003)
Egyptian Epigraphy Seminar (Spring 2003)
Middle Egyptian Historical Texts (Spring 2003)
Ancient Greece (Fall 2003 & Spring 2007)
The Amarna Period in Egypt (Fall 2003 & Fall 2006)
Egyptological Historiography and Method (Spring 2004)
Ancient Rome (Spring 2004 & Fall 2007)
Ramesside Egypt (Spring 2005)
Middle Kingdom Historical Texts (Fall 2005)
18th Dynasty Historical Texts (Fall 2005)
Ramesside Historical Texts (Fall 2006)
Egyptological Methods (Spring 2007)
Service Work:
Committee Member, World Civilization Course Committee, History Department (2001-present)
Committee Member, Latin American Historian Search Committee, History Department, University of Memphis, 2002-2003
Committee Member, Egyptologist Search Committee, Art Department, University of Memphis, 2002-2003
Committee Member, World Civilization Committee, History Department, 2001-present
Judge, West Tennessee Regional History Fair, March 15, 2003, Memphis, TN
Judge, Tennessee History Fair Finals, April 2003, Memphis, TN
Judge, West Tennessee Regional History Fair, Spring 2004, Memphis, TN
Judge, West Tennessee Regional History Fair, Spring 2005, Memphis, TN
Awards, Grants and Distinctions:
First Place Undergraduate Division of the E.C. Barksdale History Essay Contest 1989 for "Controversies Surrounding the Date of the Hypostyle Hall and the Coregency of Seti I and Ramesses II." Published in Essays in History: The E.C. Barksdale Student Lectures 1989-1990, (Arlington, Texas: 1990), pgs. 37-64.
J. W. Britten Fellowship in Egyptology, University of Memphis, 1990-1991 and 1991-1992.
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1993-1994.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Fellowship 1994-1995, 1995-1996.
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1996-1997.
Kress Foundation Travel & Research Grant, 1997.
Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquity-USA Division, Travel Grant, 1997.
New Faculty Research Grant, University of Memphis, 2002
Faculty Research Award, University of Memphis, Summer 2003
TAF Grant, University of Memphis, 2003-2004, $5000
National Endowment for the Humanities Collaborative Research Award, 2004, $150,000
Professional Associations:
Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, board of directors, 2002-present
Society for the Study of Egypitan Antiquity, Toronto, Canada, member 1995-present
American Research Center in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, member 1989-present
L'association des études du Proche-Orient Ancient, Montréal, Canada, editorial board member, 2002-present
Modern: English (native), French, German, Egyptian colloquial Arabic (some speaking knowledge) Ancient: Egyptian.
Media Appearances & Interviews:
TV interview, "Egyptian Iconic Structures," for the series Where it Came From, History Chanel, Los Angeles, October 2005, broadcast 2006.
TV interview, "Egyptian Medicine," for the series Where it Came From, History Chanel, Los Angeles, October 2005 broadcast 2006.
TV host/interview, "Ramesses II’s Empire" for the series Lost Worlds, Atlantic Productions for the History Chanel, on location in Aswan and Luxor Egypt, December 2005. Broadcast on History Channel, July 31, 2006.
TV host/interview, "Egyptian Warfare" for the series Ancient Discoveries, Wild Dream Films for The History Chanel, filmed on location in Luxor Egypt, May 2006. First broadcast, History Channel, February 27, 2007.
TV host/interview, "Ramesses II: Visions of Greatness," for the Series Digging for the Truth, History Channel, filmed on location in Luxor, Egypt, May, 2006. First broadcast, History Channel, February 26, 2007.
Interview for Associated Press on the discovery of a new statue of Queen Tiy at Karnak temple, January 2006.
Interview for Boston University Center for Science and Medical Journalism on the discovery of a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings, February 16, 2006.
Interview for National Geographic Society website on the discovery of 13 statues in Luxor, Egypt, March 14, 2006.
TV host/interview, "Engineering Ancient Egypt," National Geographic Channel, filmed in London, UK, February 16, 2007, broadcast summer 2007.
TV host/interview, "The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World," for the series Lost Worlds, History Channel, filmed in Greece and Egypt, March 2007, broadcast summer 2007.
TV host/interview, "The Lost Pyramid," History Channel, filmed March 2007, broadcast Fall 2007.
Peter J. Brand
Here are the links to some of Peter's papers:
"A Grafitto of Amen-Re in Luxor Temple Restored by the High Priest Menkheperre," in G. N. Knoppers and A. Hirsch, (eds.), Egypt, Israel, and the Ancient Mediterranean World: Studies in Honor of Donald B. Redford, (Leiden, 2004), 157-266. PDF
Ideology and Politics of the Early Ramesside Kings (13th Century BC): A Historical Approach, Prozesse des Wandels in historischen Spannungsfeldrn Nordostafrikas/Westasiens: Akten zum 2. Symposium des SFB 295, Mainz, 15.10.-17.10.2001, (Würzburg, 2005), 23-38. PDF
"The 'Lost' Obelisks and Colossi of Seti I," Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt,” Vol. 34 (1997), 101-114. PDF
Methods Used in Restoring Reliefs Vandalized during the Amarna Period," Gottinger Miszellen zu agyptologische Beitrage No. 170 (1999), 37-48. PDF
"Secondary Restorations in the Post Amarna Period," Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 36 (1999), 113-134. PDF
"The Shebyu-Collar in the New Kingdom Part I" Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 33 (2006), 17-28. PDF
"Veils Votives and Marginalia: The Use of Sacred Space at Karnak and Luxor," in P. F. Dorman & B. M. Bryan, (eds.), Sacred Space and Sacred Function in Ancient Thebes, Occasional Proceedings of the Theban Workshop, SAOC 61 (Chicago, 2007), 51-83. PDF
W. J. Murnane & P. J. Brand, "The Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project (1992-2002)", Annales du Service des Antiquites d'Egypte 78 (2004), 79-127. PDF
In addition, here are some papers in honor of Dr. William J. Murnane, Egyptologist at the University of Memphis:
James P. Allen, "The Amarna Succession" PDF
Michel Azim & Vincent Rondot, "Note archéologique et épigraphique sur les architraves de la grande salle hypostyle du temple d’Amon-Rê à Karnak" PDF
Peter Dorman, "The Long Coregency Revisited: Architectural and Iconographic Conundra in the Tomb of Kheruef" PDF
Jacobus van Dijk, "The Death of Meketaten" PDF
Richard Fazzini, "Two Semi-Erased Kushite Cartouches in the Precinct of Mut at South Karnak" PDF
Luc Gabolde, "Un assemblage au nom d'Amenemhat Ier dans les magasins du temple de Louxor" PDF
Marc Gabolde, "Under a Deep Blue Starry Sky" PDF
Helen Jacquet-Gordon, "The Festival on which Amun went out to the Treasury" PDF
Kenneth A. Kitchen, "Egyptian New-Kingdom Topographical Lists: An Historical Resource with ‘Literary’ Histories" PDF